Kredite Schweiz – Personal Loan Switzerland

Kredite Schweiz customers

Applying for a loan in Switzerland doesn’t always have to be so complicated. At Kredite Schweiz, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to shape their life according to their own wishes. With Kredite Schweiz, you come first.

Application form

Applying for a loan using this form is non-binding and free of charge. As soon as you submit your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Consumer loans are prohibited if they lead to over-indebtedness (Art. 3 UWG).

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Simon Niklaus
Simon Niklaus
Michael Schmied
Michael Schmied
Joint founder
Our experts
Our Team Relies on Experience.

Applying for a loan in Switzerland is very straightforward. The process of taking out a loan can be divided into the following 5 steps. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. The Kredite Schweiz team will be happy to help you.

Step 1: Loan application

1. Loan application

Loan application

To take out a loan, the first step is to fill out our application form, in which you tell us the approximate amount of the loan. We will get back to you as soon as possible and put you in touch with the partner who suits your situation.

This ensures the best possible interest rate and minimizes costs, as our partners are among the best loan brokers in Switzerland and will find exactly the right provider for you.

Of course, everything up to this point is free of charge and non-binding for you.

Step 2: Suitable provider
Suitable personal loan offer

2. Suitable provider

The partner companies now need a few more details from you in order to get a rough overview of your finances. For example, they will need proof of your salary.

The reason for the loan remains a private matter.

Step 3: Credit check and loan offer
Loan quote

3. Credit check and loan offer

The lender will now check your application. Your creditworthiness and financial situation will be analyzed as standard, as this is a legal requirement in Switzerland.

After the credit check, you will receive an offer, which will also tell you the exact interest rate that could be obtained for you. As a general rule, the better your credit rating, the lower the interest rate.

Step 4: Wait for the legal deadline
Wait for the deadline

4. Wait for the legal deadline

If you accept the credit offer, sign it and wait until the statutory waiting period of 14 days has passed. This period is prescribed to protect borrowers and give them the opportunity to change their minds.

Only for relatively small loan amounts is there an alternative in Switzerland if you do not want to wait for the deadline. As there is no waiting period for credit cards, you can apply for a Swiss credit card that you can receive and use immediately. Some credit cards offer an extremely fast application process, but the credit limit is very limited compared to a personal loan.

Step 5: Loan payout
Loan disbursement

5. Disbursement of the loan

Once the loan agreement has been signed and the deadline has passed, the loan amount is transferred directly to the account of your choice. From this point on, the repayment period begins in accordance with the conditions agreed in the contract.

1000 CHF
12 Months

Estimated monthly payment at 4.4% interest: CHF 0.00

Estimated monthly payment at 10.95% interest: CHF 0.00

Kredite Schweiz Logo

Kredite Schweiz works with the best credit brokers in Switzerland. As soon as you submit the application form for a free quote, we will get back to you as quickly as possible and put you in touch with the right partner for your situation.

What are the advantages of credit brokers?

Credit brokers have a comprehensive overview of the market and access to an incredible number of loan offers. By working with the various Swiss financial institutions, credit brokers are able to negotiate the best conditions and interest rates for customers.

Finding the perfect lender is a major challenge, if not impossible, for private individuals. Each lender has different requirements for borrowers’ risk profiles and adjusts interest rates accordingly. It is, therefore, crucial to know each lender in detail when making a choice.

Using a loan broker is the most cost-effective and time-saving way to find the right loan. Rely on their expertise and use a professional loan broker.

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